Solutions for automated, high performance media processing
Vcodes provides solutions for TV & streaming providers that enable the preparation of high-quality video content through media analysis, encoding, and QC, reducing costs and maximizing efficiency.
Vcodes software help telcos, TV broadcasters and other media providers to manage and improve the quality, speed, and reliability of their video delivery by:
- Reducing the manual labor and human errors involved in video encoding and transcoding processes, by automating tasks such as format conversion, quality control, captioning, media analysis and packaging.
- Optimizing the video quality and performance for different devices, platforms, and networks, by applying content aware encoding and adaptive bitrate encoding.
- Integrating with various data sources and destinations, such as content management systems (CMS), video servers, cloud services, APIs, databases, and content delivery networks.
- Scaling up or down according to the demand and capacity of the video delivery system.

Multiplatform Distribution
Supporting all the major formats and standards used by TV, OTT and post-production houses.
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Intelligent Workflows
Enabling automated media processing workflows, eliminating the need for expensive in-house video expertise.
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Easily Scalable
Easily add additional machine power to your existing resource pool without any downtime or server-side configuration.
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Content Aware Encoding
Per-Title and Per-Shot machine learning assisted encoding to save on bandwidth and deliver the best possible video quality.
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Automated Quality Checks
Fully integrated into the transcoding workflow, QC saves valuable human time by spotting quality and compliance issues.
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Tightly integrated with the vCoder processing modules, vCoder Dashboard provides real-time metrics visualization of your vCoder network.
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Tier 1 Management Tools
The Vcodes Admin GUI provides complete control over media processing workflows. Design workflows, manage users and notifications, prioritize workflow jobs, re-assign machine nodes, generate reports and more.
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Control the vCoder and vCoder QC processes with our vCoder REST API, enabling easy integration with CMS workflows within your organization.
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Open Architecture
Enables us to customize transcoding workflows and integrate 3rd party tools for a seamless, easy to operate and future-proof solution.
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Powerful Subtitles Insertion Tools
Auto convert and insert subtitles from any format or language into all VOD formats.
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EBU – Encoder Boundary Points Support
Encode adaptive bit rate transport streams (ATS) fully compliant with OTT servers which require EBP.
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Full Dolby E Support
Dolby E streams are automatically detected and converted (or passed-through) to multi channel audio ready to stream.
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